Title | Author | Year | Details | Link |
"Excitation migration along oligophenylenevinylene-based chiral stacks: Delocalization effects on transport dynamics." | D. Beljonne, E. Hennebicq, C. Daniel, L. M. Herz, C. Silva, G. D. Scholes, F. J. M. Hoeben, P. Jonkheijm, A. Schenning, S. C. J. Meskers, R. T. Phillips, R. H. Friend and E. W. Meijer | 2005 | Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(21): 10594-10604 | ISI:000229406600011 |
"A scalable manufacturing process for flexible active-matrix e-paper displays." | S. E. Burns, K. Reynolds, W. Reeves, M. Banach, T. Brown, K. Chalmers, N. Cousins, M. Etchells, C. Hayton, K. Jacobs, A. Menon, S. Siddique, P. Too, C. Ramsdale, J. Watts, P. Cain, T. von Werne, J. Mills, C. Curling, H. Sirringhaus, K. Amundson and M. D. McCreary | 2005 | Journal of the Society for Information Display 13(7): 583-586 | ISI:000236282700007 |
"Correlation between surface photovoltage and blend morphology in polyfluorene-based photodiodes." | M. Chiesa, L. Burgi, J. S. Kim, R. Shikler, R. H. Friend and H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Nano Letters 5(4): 559-563 | ISI:000228468800001 |
"Organic double-gate field-effect transistors: Logic-AND operation." | L. L. Chua, R. H. Friend and P. K. H. Ho | 2005 | Applied Physics Letters 87(25): 253512 | ISI:000234118900104 |
"General observation of n-type field-effect behaviour in organic semiconductors." | L. L. Chua, J. Zaumseil, J. F. Chang, E. C. W. Ou, P. K. H. Ho, H. Sirringhaus and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Nature 434(7030): 194-199 | ISI:000227494500039 |
"Acoustoelectric current in submicron-separated quantum wires." | J. Cunningham, M. Pepper, V. I. Talyanskii and D. A. Ritchie | 2005 | Applied Physics Letters 86(15): 152105 | ISI:000228901600050 |
"Acoustic transport of electrons in parallel quantum wires." | J. Cunningham, M. Pepper, V. I. Talyanskii and D. A. Ritchie | 2005 | Acta Physica Polonica A 107(1): 38-45 | ISI:000227308200005 |
"The effects of supramolecular assembly on exciton decay rates in organic semiconductors." | C. Daniel, F. Makereel, L. M. Herz, F. J. M. Hoeben, P. Jonkheijm, A. Schenning, E. W. Meijer, R. H. Friend and C. Silva | 2005 | Journal of Chemical Physics 123(8): 084902 | ISI:000231598600051 |
"Optical absorptions of polyfluorene transistors." | Y. Y. Deng and H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Physical Review B 72(4): 045207 | ISI:000230890300067 |
"Effects of packing structure on the optoelectronic and charge transport properties in poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole)." | C. L. Donley, J. Zaumseil, J. W. Andreasen, M. M. Nielsen, H. Sirringhaus, R. H. Friend and J. S. Kim | 2005 | Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(37): 12890-12899 | ISI:000231928800045 |
"Enhanced triplet exciton generation in polyfluorene blends." | T. A. Ford, I. Avilov, D. Beljonne and N. C. Greenham | 2005 | Physical Review B 71(12): 125212 | ISI:000228923300072 |
"Jim Feast: a career in polymer science." | R. H. Grubbs, R. H. Friend, E. W. Meijer, R. W. Richards and N. R. Cameron | 2005 | Polymer 46(5): 1427-1438 | ISI:000226995500001 |
"Morphology dependence of the triplet excited state formation and absorption in polyfluorene." | A. Hayer, A. L. T. Khan, R. H. Friend and A. Kohler | 2005 | Physical Review B 71(24): 241302 | ISI:000230276900006 |
"Harnessing triplet emission in polymer leds." | A. B. Holmes, K. L. Chan, N. R. Evans, C. S. K. Mak, S. E. Watkins, C. K. Williams, C. E. Boothby, R. H. Friend, A. Koehler, A. Hayer and L. S. Devi | 2005 | Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 229: 344-orgn | ISI:000235066601446 |
"Nanostructured polymers in polymeric optoelectronic devices." | W. T. S. Huck, G. Fichet, G. L. Whiting, H. Snaith and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 229: 341-PMSE | ISI:000235066605341 |
"Spin-cast thin semiconducting polymer interlayer for improving device efficiency of polymer light-emitting diodes." | J. S. Kim, R. H. Friend, I. Grizzi and J. H. Burroughes | 2005 | Applied Physics Letters 87(2): 023506 | ISI:000230435800052 |
"Charge pumping in carbon nanotubes." | P. J. Leek, M. R. Buitelaar, V. I. Talyanskii, C. G. Smith, D. Anderson, G. A. C. Jones, J. Wei and D. H. Cobden | 2005 | Physical Review Letters 95(25): 256802 | ISI:000234118500057 |
"Suppression of green emission in a new class of blue-emitting polyfluorene copolymers with twisted biphenyl moieties." | S. F. Lim, R. H. Friend, I. D. Rees, J. Li, Y. G. Ma, K. Robinson, A. B. Holmes, E. Hennebicq, D. Beljonne and F. Cacialli | 2005 | Advanced Functional Materials 15(6): 981-988 | ISI:000229708700013 |
"Blue-to-green electrophosphorescence of iridium-based cyclometallated materials." | C. S. K. Mak, A. Hayer, S. I. Pascu, S. E. Watkins, A. B. Holmes, A. Kohler and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Chemical Communications(37): 4708-4710 | ISI:000232002900023 |
"Exciton trapping at heterojunctions in polymer blends." | A. C. Morteani, R. H. Friend and C. Silva | 2005 | Journal of Chemical Physics 122(24): 244906 | ISI:000230332400080 |
"Electric field-induced transition from heterojunction to bulk charge recombination in bilayer polymer light-emitting diodes." | A. C. Morteani, P. K. H. Ho, R. H. Friend and C. Silva | 2005 | Applied Physics Letters 86(16): 163501 | ISI:000229040300070 |
"The use of electrical pulses to study the physics of bilayer organic light-emitting diodes." | D. J. Pinner, R. H. Friend and N. Tessler | 2005 | Journal of Applied Physics 97(1): 014504 | ISI:000226700300086 |
"A zone-casting technique for device fabrication of field-effect transistors based on discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzoeoronene." | W. Pisula, A. Menon, M. Stepputat, I. Lieberwirth, U. Kolb, A. Tracz, H. Sirringhaus, T. Pakula and K. Mullen | 2005 | Advanced Materials 17(6): 684-+ | ISI:000227923000005 |
"Shot noise in the current of a surface acoustic-wave-driven single-electron pump." | A. M. Robinson and V. I. Talyanskii | 2005 | Physical Review Letters 95(24): 247202 | ISI:000233826100065 |
"Lithography-free, self-aligned inkjet printing with sub-hundred-nanometer resolution." | C. W. Sele, T. von Werne, R. H. Friend and H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Advanced Materials 17(8): 997-+ | ISI:000228601500009 |
"Device physics of Solution-processed organic field-effect transistors." | H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Advanced Materials 17(20): 2411-2425 | ISI:000232764500002 |
"Lithography-free, self-aligned inkjet printing with sub-100 nm resolution." | H. Sirringhaus, C. Sele and T. von Werne | 2005 | Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 229: 157-PMSE | ISI:000235066605157 |
"Morphological and electronic consequences of modifications to the polymer anode 'PEDOT : PSS'." | H. J. Snaith, H. Kenrick, M. Chiesa and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Polymer 46(8): 2573-2578 | ISI:000227915800017 |
"Self-organization of nanocrystals in polymer brushes. Application in heterojunction photovoltaic diodes." | H. J. Snaith, G. L. Whiting, B. Q. Sun, N. C. Greenham, W. T. S. Huck and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Nano Letters 5(9): 1653-1657 | ISI:000231945500005 |
"Solution-processed zinc oxide field-effect transistors based on self-assembly of colloidal nanorods." | B. Sun and H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Nano Letters 5(12): 2408-2413 | ISI:000234357000013 |
"Vertically segregated hybrid blends for photovoltaic devices with improved efficiency." | B. Q. Sun, H. J. Snaith, A. S. Dhoot, S. Westenhoff and N. C. Greenham | 2005 | Journal of Applied Physics 97(1): 014914 | ISI:000226700300102 |
"Shadow-evaporated nanometre-sized gaps and their use in electrical studies of nanocrystals." | L. F. Sun, S. N. Chin, E. Marx, K. S. Curtis, N. C. Greenham and C. J. B. Ford | 2005 | Nanotechnology 16(6): 631-634 | ISI:000230144700002 |
"Contact effects of solution-processed polymer electrodes: Limited conductivity and interfacial doping." | J. Z. Wang, J. F. Chang and H. Sirringhaus | 2005 | Applied Physics Letters 87(8): 083503 | ISI:000231310700062 |
"Exciton migration in a polythiophene: Probing the spatial and energy domain by line-dipole Forster-type energy transfer." | S. Westenhoff, C. Daniel, R. H. Friend, C. Silva, V. Sundstrom and A. Yartsev | 2005 | Journal of Chemical Physics 122(9): 094903 | ISI:000227483300077 |
"Supramolecular complexes of conjugated polyelectrolytes with poly(ethylene oxide): Multifunctional luminescent semiconductors exhibiting electronic and ionic transport." | J. S. Wilson, M. J. Frampton, J. J. Michels, L. Sardone, G. Marletta, R. H. Friend, P. Samori, H. L. Anderson and F. Cacialli | 2005 | Advanced Materials 17(22): 2659-+ | ISI:000233651600001 |
"Controlled phase separation of polyfluorene blends via inkjet printing." | Y. J. Xia and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Macromolecules 38(15): 6466-6471 | ISI:000230627000033 |
"Single-photon pumping and two-photon probing spectroscopy for the determination of absorption cross-sections in an organic semiconductor." | X. P. Zhang, Y. J. Xia and R. H. Friend | 2005 | Optics Express 13(26): 10873-10881 | ISI:000234263000048 |